I posted earlier about the creation of the original jean, Levi’s 501. So, let’s say you went by Next and copped a pair of 501 STF. Now what do you do?
To begin, there is a difference between the type of jeans out there. There is “raw” or “dry” denim and there is “washed” denim. Denim is typically washed to make them feel softer, to stop indigo dye loss, and to eliminate any shrinking once the owner washes them. This washed denim is often purchased “pre-distressed” in order to have that worn-in look. This means it already comes with fades, creasing, and designs.
Raw denim has not been washed after the dying process. The point is to wear them and fade them yourself over time. If done correctly, your jeans will have fades, whiskers, and honeycombs based on your own body. It will look more original, natural, and unique in comparison to a pair of jeans that are already distressed. I personally ONLY buy and wear raw denim because I want to have my jeans be unique and different from everyone else.
So, back to the 501 STF. STF stands for Shrink-To-Fit, or in other words, Soak To Shrink. STF jeans are a type of raw jeans. There are a million ways and opinions of what is best when dealing with raw denim. There really is no right or wrong way, so experiment yourself and do what works best for you. After the jump are a few ways to handle your new STFs…
- Warm/hot water will let more of the indigo dye loose from your jeans.